A Game...

What is happiness and who exactly is it that defines this?
The happiest I have ever been in my entire life is when I had nothing and I mean nothing. Living in my truck and not a dollor to my name, but I was happy. At the time of course I did not realize this, truthfully at that time in my life I knew nothing. Somewhere on that journey I learned that it’s truly the struggles we face everyday that define us. When things are bad, when you have been knocked down and feel like you will never get up…what do you do? Some people curl up in a ball and refuse to address the situation and then wonder why life does not change.
It’s taken me years and years to realize life isn’t about having a million dollars or the nicest car on the block. Life is about the little things that we all take for granted every day. Like sleeping in or staying up too late with your girlfriend/wife, kids friends, burning that piece of toast or even cutting yourself shaving. In this world people are cruel and things will never go the way you expect, but if you keep plugging away everything will be just fine. Life is about waking up every single morning and taking a second to realize everything it is that you have. There is always something to be grateful for, trust me it may not seem that way, but there is. When you realize this you will be on top of the world. And there won’t be a thing anyone can do to change this.

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