
Friends come and go, relationships never seem to last and we spend the majority of our time wishing we could just be a kid again. It’s funny, because as kids we can’t wait to grow up. Oddly enough, things were so much easier when your only worry was making sure mom or dad didn’t see your report card. Dreams of going to college, playing football for your favorite team, and yes, even getting married and having a family seem to get lost in the mix. Some of us dabble into drinking and drugs others seem to get stuck and soon enough we become adults.  This is known as the real world, but wait, what’s the real world? No one warned me about this and we for damn sure never took notice of the struggles our parents and other family members faced. Paying bills to keep a roof over your head, eating food, even having the coolest clothes are all things that seemingly always get over looked. It’s safe to assume as young adults we think we are owed these, things. Moving full speed ahead we never stop to realize how unpredictable life really is.
 We always seem to forget that our grandparents won’t be here forever. Would it really hurt us to pick up a phone and spend, a few minutes talking to them? After all we surely pull the phones out when we need something! More often than not we spend entirely too much time with the people who won’t stick around for all the wrong reasons instead of with those who will for the same exact ones. In life there are no guarantees and however shocking it may be it can be gone in less than a second. Live for today, smile and laugh, cry if you so choose. Emotion is good; no one wants to stare at a stone face.  Along the way make mistakes, but learn lessons. Don’t ever forget who you are or where you come from.

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